Zhu Yingchun is a book designer and artist based in Nanjing, China. He is the director of the Nanjing Normal University Research Centre of Book Culture and recipient of China’s Most Beautiful Book Award and The Best Book Design from All Over the World in Leipzig, Germany.
His clever concepts and playful designs have attracted wide attention in China and abroad, particularly his two major works: Bugs’ Book and Cacaform Birds. Many of Zhu’s books have been translated and published as well as exhibited abroad including in Germany, the UK, the Czech Republic and Korea. As well as delivering lectures throughout China and abroad, Zhu Yingchun also makes regular visits to local schools in Nanjing to share his latest ideas with children and inspire them to put pen to paper.
This book uses inexpensive materials, simple language and clever creative concepts to arouse delight in its readers. Poetry is presented through the language of design, bringing to light the visual poetry of each page. On the book’s cardboard cover is a simple image of a Chinese character “poem” in transformation. Images are replaced with words making the words themselves into images, corresponding to the book’s title The Designing Wordsmith. Words become images and images become words in The Designing Wordsmith, a book of poetry that plays on the visual qualities of Chinese characters.