This project is about parcel package waste and recycling. At first, the number of wasted cardboard in my community drew my attention. There is always a large pile of cardboard boxes outside of the bin after every e-commerce festival. So I started to reflect on how to make this situation better.
Cardboard recycling process includes the following stages: shredded and baled, pulping, screening, filtering and de-inking, finishing, and collection
Paper recycling can be divided into two categories: ordinary recycling aims at small-amount- orders and business recycling. Each has different methods and markets. The individual recycling market is lacking a complete and efficient system compared to business recycling.
When I was searching for a better recycling method, I looked into online recycling companies, but their business is not aiming at individual recycling orders either.
Another problem is that the traditional chain of recycling has too many stages, which means more energy will be used in the process. A new way of recycling is needed to replace the role of the waste trader and save more energy in between.
User Research
My user group is working-class and university students aged 18-45 who live in large cities in China.
Through my primary research, I found out that 41% of my interviewees don’t recycle their parcel packaging responsibly. They lack an efficient and convenient recycling method and a clearer reward.
Through this user journey map, I analyze the opportunities to increase the recycling rate in each stage.
Speculative Design
During my research stage, I realized that as a designer can’t possibly solve this huge issue, but I can use my visual language to convey a message to my audiences. So I turned my direction to do a speculative design project.
The Black Mirror series inspires me a lot, especially the episode that everyone can rate others through Nosedive App. People have to behave better o get higher scores which brings about a series of privileges. That’s how I came up with the idea of the credit system in Karma Bank.
This speculative fiction resonates with me a lot. It discusses how art and culture go after the destruction of our nature.
UI Sketches
After Pechakucha, Alexandro gave me a useful feedback that I should also take reusing as a option. It’s true that We can save a lot of energy by reuse the material we have. So I made an adjustment in my second iteration so that users can obtain credits by uploading their evidence of reusing.
In November, I went to the Waste Age exhibition in Design Museum, which showcase how designers creatively respond to the waste issue.
visual research
In the first iteration of my storyboard, I planned to make all the scenes in 2d and in black and white. But after I have a clearer vision of my idea, I realized that it might be too abstract for my audience to understand. If this can’t communicate with my audience, it won’t be of any use. So I sketched out the second version of the storyboard which has more 3d scenes and more details than the first version to make the idea easier to understand.
Identity Design
The first version of the Karma Bank logo is not clear enough for the user to recognize. So I decided to design a simple but clear identity. I extract the letter “A” from Karma Bank and combine it with recycle sign and the gesture of putting materials in the recycling machine.
Scene Sketches
At first, the interface scene is like the image on the left, But I noticed the typeface is too complicated and it is hard for users to read, so I changed it to a simpler and readable typeface as shown on the image on the right.
To unify the style of the animation, I use limited colors: black, white, green and red. The scenes with red color are to represent a vicious circle caused by irresponsible recycling behavior while green means a sustainable scenario with Karma Bank’s recycling system.
I adjusted the camera movements and transitions in each scene to make the animation smoother.
Final Outcome
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